Phone:  0431 407 294
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All new enrolments into any program must complete an enrolment form prior to the Term commencing. When re enrolling for the following Term, notification must be given prior to the end of the Term. You will given priority, however if notification is not given, then your position in the same group, day or time is not guaranteed.



Payment must be made at the start of the Term. If full payment is not received by the end of the first class, Michael Logarzo Tennis (MLT) reserves the right to suspend further lessons until such payment is made.



If you are unable to attend a session, 24 hours notice must be given to your respective MLT coach and a make up lesson will be arranged. If not notice is given, there will be no make up lesson and payment for that particular lesson will be forefeited. Exceptions can be made in unforeseen and exceptional circumstances at the discretion of MLT.



Lessons may be cancelled in the event of rain or extreme heat. In the event of rain, a decision will be made as close to the lesson time start as possible, unless the weather is such that a decision can be made earlier. All notification will be made via SMS. When the temperature is 37 degrees or above, MLT's Heat policy will be enforced and lessons will be suspended until the temperature drops. If you are not contacted, assume the lesson will go ahead as planned. If lessons cannot be conducted a makeup lesson will be arranged. MLT will be the determinant of whether lessons go ahead in any weather circumstances.


Make Up Lessons

All make up lessons will be arranged during the School Term or School Holiday period. In the event that this is not possible a credit may be arranged for the following Term. It is the client’s responsibility to contact MLT and organise a make up lesson.



If medical treatment is required and the parent/guardian cannot be contacted, I authorise the Michael Logarzo Tennis (MLT) coach in charge to seek the necessary medical treatment. I release from MLT any and all liability for injury and costs associated with any MLT program or event.


Photos & Video

Photographs and video may be taken during lessons and events conducted by MLT. It is acknowledged that these images and video may be used for marketing and promotion including our website, social media and marketing material. If you any objections to you or your child's photos or video being used, please notify us in writing.



In the event we consider:
● the behaviour of your child is disruptive or likely to put other children or MLT staff in danger;or
● your behaviour towards us, other customers, children in their care or any other parties involved in MLT tennis lessons is disruptive, inappropriate, consistent negligient or likely to bring us or any of our services into disrepute we reserve the right to exclude your child/pupil from any MLT activities.


Michael Logarzo Tennis Privacy Statement

The personal information requested on our Enrolment form is contested solely by MLTfor the purpose of tennis lesson enrolment. The personal information will only be used for this purpose and related purposes which can be reasonably expected and will not be disclosed to third parties or otherwise without your consent.


About Michael Logarzo

Michael is one of Australia’s leading development coaches, with almost 20 years experience working with juniors and tour professionals. With an insatiable passion and thirst for knowledge, Michael's experience has enabled him to gain a comprehensive understanding of tennis at levels and the manner in which to guide those players to achieve their goals. Being exposed to many different training systems worldwide and world class mentors, he has developed a philosophy and methodology for players to grow both as athletes and individuals.

Contact Michael
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0431 407 294